
My research focuses on deep neural networks and IoT technologies for landslide monitoring, warning, and prediction. I'm interested in creating various deep learning models to discover the patterns of landslide movement. Deep learning models could predict landslide movement by analyzing movement patterns and weather conditions. Landslide warnings could be generated based on predictions, potentially saving lives. Visit my Research page to learn more about my research interests and projects!



Ph.D. (2020-present), Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, India

MS by Research (2019), Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, India

MCA (2013), S. S. Jain Subodh PG College, Jaipur, India

BCA (2010), Sri Balaji PG Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur, India

A Special Thank you:

I want to express my gratitude to the Indian Institute of Technology Mandi in Himachal Pradesh, where I am working on the dissertation of my doctoral studies. The institute gives me access to financing, lab facilities, lodging, field sites, and a top-notch research community.

And to my other funding sources, including the National Disaster Management Authority, the Defence Research and Development Organisation India, the Department of Science and Technology, and the District Disaster Management Authority Mandi, Kangra, Kinnaur.